RUMMAGE SALE DROP OFF - Member Email: Thursday, February 27, 2025
Hello Seminole Families,
Doesn't it almost feel like spring this week? If you've been doing some spring cleaning and have items that you'd like to drop off for us to hold for the Seminole Rummage Sale in May, we'll have our first opportunity for drop off this weekend. Here's what you need to know.
Drop off Sunday March 2nd from Noon - 1:30 pm
Location is the Madison Verona Self Storage Facility (4201 Maple Grove Drive).
Someone will meet you at the gate to enter the code to let your vehicle in - just let them know you're there for the Seminole Drop off.
We have unit #1620. See this attached map for where the unit is located - it is shaded in blue.
If you are hoping to bring something large (furniture or similar), please let us know ahead of time as we may not have room to store it right away.
If this date doesn't work for you and you'd like to get rid of your items before the next drop off, please reach out and we can try to make alternative arrangements.
We are also starting to look for some initial volunteers - If you are up for helping with the planning, we are looking for some team leaders to oversee tasks such as set up, register, concessions, clean up, and others. As a reminder, the sale is scheduled to take place May 2nd and 3rd in the Seminole parking lot.
If you have questions, concerns, comments or if you want to help, please send an email to us:
Seminole 2.0 Fundraising Event Committee