Seminole 2.0 Update Events Invitation
Excerpt from member email sent by Katy Culvert, Board President 2022
Seminole 2.0 updates
As we look at options to redevelop the pool and tennis facilities, we need your input as members. The Board and 2.0 Committee are hosting three events to share information and options and get your feedback. These events will feature the same content, so feel free to attend any of them.
In-person in the tent area from 2-3 on Monday, July 4
In-person in the tent area from 12-1 on Wednesday, July 6 (hoping folks who attend lessons will find this convenient)
Virtual on Zoom from 6:45-7:45 on Wednesday, July 6 (link) – this will be recorded and available for you to view later if you cannot attend
After the events, we will be sending out a survey for you to share your thoughts by Sunday, July 10. The Board will then meet to discuss what we have learned and chart a course forward. Please do your best to attend and respond. It's important that we have a plan that addresses membership needs.