Hello Seminole Families,
We have a few important reminders for you today from the Seminole 2.0 Event Committee.
Our restaurant night this month is TODAY! We’re working with the Fitchburg Glass Nickel Pizza and the owner is graciously donating 10% of ALL sales today, Tuesday March 11th, back to Seminole 2.0. It’s a great day to order pizza for your workplace or have pizza night with your family’s sports teams. No codes, no flyers, no need to mention the pool (although feel free to tell them a big thank you or leave extra tip with your order).
We’re going to work with Glass Nickel for other events this summer (think pizza night at the pool), so let’s start off this partnership with a bang and have our best restaurant night yet.
We will have our next rummage sale drop off tomorrow, Wednesday, March 12th from 4:30 - 6:00 pm. Here are the details for drop off:
Location is the Madison Verona Self Storage Facility (4201 Maple Grove Drive).
Someone will meet you at the gate to enter the code to let your vehicle in - just let them know you're there for the Seminole Drop off.
We have unit #1620. See this attached map for where the unit is located - it is shaded in blue.
If you are hoping to bring something large (furniture or similar), please let us know ahead of time as we may not have room to store it right away.
If this date doesn't work for you and you'd like to get rid of your items before the next drop off, please reach out and we can try to make alternative arrangements.
We now have physical gift cards from Raise Right available to purchase at face value and will have them at the Rummage Drop off tomorrow, so bring your check book or cash if possible (or Venmo). Cards include Kwik Trip, Starbucks, Pizza Ranch, Total Wine, and more with values from $10-$50. This is a great easy way to support Seminole 2.0!
Speaking of the rummage sale, this is coming up fast and we want to make sure that we are going to have the volunteers we need to run the event on May 2nd and 3rd. We’ve started a sign-up genius - please sign up if you know you can help. We can vouch for volunteer hours for teens if needed.
We are also looking for some members to step up with some BIG NEEDS that we have. PLEASE see if you can help us with any of the following essential things and email us if you can come through:
In order to have the sale, we need lots of tables. If anyone has a business or connection that can give us many tables from a single source, that would be fantastic.
We need a truck (like a U-haul) that ideally we could use from evening Thursday May 1st through Saturday May 3rd. Does anyone have a business that does deliveries with a truck we could use?
Does anyone have a connection to someone that can help with printing flyers or making signs for the road to direct people our way?
QUESTIONS OR WANT TO JOIN US? Send us a message - we’d love to hear from you: As always, thank you for your support!
Seminole 2.0 Fundraising Event Committee