Greetings Seminole Members,

Seminole 2.0 is thrilled to announce that the 501(c)(3) application was approved by the IRS and that the 26.5 Foundation is tax-exempt. This effort has been over a year in the making and we are excited to now be able to receive tax-deducible donations for the construction of a new facility!  Check out our website for all the details on the Seminole 2.0 - www.seminole26-5.org.

To celebrate and raise money, we’ll be selling $3 hot dogs at Family Fun Day tomorrow – June 10th, 12-4 pm. (cash preferred, Venmo option).

This non-profit status lets us gain access to additional grants and funding opportunities, but we are still a long way from our fundraising goal and we can’t schedule construction until we have secured funding. If you were looking for a sign about when to join the effort and make a pledge or donation – this is it!

Ways to Donate:

Pledge - No money required at time of pledge! Opting for the pledge option enables you to manage your donation in a way that fits your budget and allows you to spread your support over an extended period. Pledges can be paid over 3 years with the first payment due on September 1st of the year that construction begins.
Pledge Now! The pledge form only takes minutes to fill out. The form works best on a desktop computer. Please use Adobe Acrobat to open the pledge form. Completed forms can be emailed to seminole2.0@seminolepool.org. Paper forms and a locked drop box are available in the breezeway at the pool.

By mail - Gifts by check and pledges can be made by printing and completing the pledge form and mailing it to:
26.5 Foundation ℅ Seminole Pool & Tennis Club
2935 S. Fish Hatchery Road, PMB 177
Fitchburg, WI 53711

Online - We are working to establish an easy way to give online through a secure online system. Stay tuned for updates!

Planned Giving - Please consider including the 26.5 Foundation in your estate planning through a bequest or as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy. Please email seminole2.0@seminolepool.org for more information.
Hope to see everyone tomorrow. Come hungry!

Rachel Holdener
Seminole 2.0 Chair


SEMINOLE SWIM-A-THON UPDATE! - Member Email: Friday, July 14, 2023


Seminole 2.0 Information in the Breezeway!