SEMINOLE SWIM-A-THON UPDATE! - Member Email: Friday, July 14, 2023
Hello Seminole Members,
We’re excited to announce that we reached the $5,000 donation mark with our Swim-a-Thon and unlocked the $5,000 matching grant!
Great work everyone!
And a huge Seminole 2.0 thank you to Dr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Soltys for donating the $5,000 matching grant.
However, we’re not done yet. We have received another $1,000 matching grant. If we can reach $6,000 in donations from the Swim-a-Thon, we will unlock that grant.
The window to collect donations from the Swim-a-Thon is open until Monday. For those who are collecting per length swim … or baskets made, laps run, etc. let your friends and family members know how you did!
Because the 26.5 Foundation is tax-exempt, all donations you make to Seminole 2.0 are tax-deductible (EIN 92-0605763). Checks for the Swim-a-Thon can be made out to the 26.5 Foundation (and placed in the Seminole 2.0 box at the pool with the pledge form) or you can Venmo @Seminole2_0.
Thank you for your support and commitment to Seminole 2.0. For more information on Seminole 2.0, visit
Rachel Holdener
Seminole 2.0 Chair